Text Box: Is my child being bullied?
	Bullying has become a destructive problem in this country and has recently been highlighted with movies and high profile news accounts of kids and young adults committing suicide as a result. The most common types of bullying are name calling and cyber-bullying followed by the threat of violence. We send our kids to school to learn but many may be unable to due to a constant barrage of insults and intimidation. 
	The person being bullied may exhibit a lower self esteem, aggressive behavior toward parents and siblings, lower grades, avoidant behaviors, depression and left unchecked in extreme circumstances suicide. Usually, the child will deny anything is going on as they continue to spiral. The daily interactions however may not stop at the sound of the last bell.
	With practically every child involved in some sort of social media, the assaults continue throughout the evening into the night. They go on during the weekends and holidays. There is seemingly no relief or safe place for the child being bullied. And in addition to the computer, the smart phone has allowed mobile access to this media thus the possibility of nonstop exposure to bullying.
	Being aware of the problem is the first important step but swift intervention is the key! Notify appropriate authorities on what you believe is happening and by who. Monitor your child’s social media use. Remember, many people have more than one account and there are so many live, video chat sites that have emerged. Staying engaged with your children about the new sites they are discovering will allow you to explore concerns when they arise.  Seek professional help if necessary to help your child cope and heal from the abuse. Become involved in your local schools and be proactive and interactive with bullying awareness and education and prevention programs. Finally, be involved with your child. Allow for an environment where he or she feels comfortable to discuss these problems.
October is Bullying Awareness Month. Discuss the problem with your child and ask him if he knows of anyone who is or has been bullied. Keep the topic open and non-judgmental. Allow your child to discuss concerns and describe what has been witnessed. These situations are far beyond kids will be kids and should not be ignored. The more knowledge, recognition and interventions we have, the quicker the problems can be resolved and the fewer incidents that potentially may occur.

October 2012

Issue 26

Carolina Center for Counseling

& Behavioral Interventions, LLC

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Suite 201

Simpsonville, SC 29681




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